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Brand Ambassador Spotlight: Ollie DeSarno at West Chester University

a person sitting at a table eating food

We’re so excited to announce that Ollie DeSarno is one of Saxbys’ newest brand ambassadors. The third-year student at West Chester University is extremely active on campus, she’s a whiz with social media and has a bright future in communications ahead of her.

Follow her on Instagram to peek at her fun “public photo journal” and watch her rep Saxbys all semester long. Here’s a bit more about Ollie:

Where are you from?

Scranton, Pa.

What’s your major?

Communication studies

How do you describe your aesthetic?

I like bright colors. It’s sort of hippie bohemian. I guess I’d call it boho chic.

What makes a great Instagram post?

I like making sure it matches my grid. It’s not just about the post itself, it also has to blend well with the rest of my Instagram. That helps you develop your own personal brand aesthetic. Make sure you have a unique caption. You don’t need a crazy well-edited picture. As long as you’re true to yourself and you have a cohesive passion.

a person holding a cup of black coffee
What makes an Instagram account worth following?

If their posts are cohesive to them and true to their brand. You can tell if people are posting just because they want likes or they’re trying to latch on to trends. But if it doesn’t fit you, you shouldn’t do it.

How did you cultivate your following?

I’m making connections and meeting new people all the time. It really stems from real-life connections. I’m pretty involved on campus, so I’m cultivating it through my own networks and different clubs I’m involved in. So it’s meeting people in person then developing a social media relationship. It’s a good way to keep in touch.

What do you hope to achieve with the Saxbys brand ambassador partnership?

I’m really excited. When Saxbys reached out, I realized it’s a perfect fit. As a communications major I’m looking to help brands market themselves. It’ll be really good experience. I can’t wait.

How do you plan on getting the word out?

I think Instagram Stories are underrated and people don’t use them enough for marketing reasons. So every time I grab a Saxbys, I’ll put up a Story. Also, I’m orientation leader and even today, someone asked “what’s a great place on campus for coffee?” And I said “Saxbys, Saxbys, Saxbys!” But it all starts on social. So I’ll be making sure I’m consistent with my posts and being clever to draw people in.

a sign on a chalk board