Happy Fourth, Saxbaes!
Our cafes are open (for the most part*) & ready to serve you some cold brew before you BBQ. Just hustle on over, because there are some early closing times…
Saxbys NC State will close at noon.
Saxbys North Hills will close at noon.
Saxbys Rochester will close at noon.
Saxbys Lehigh will close at 4PM.
Saxbys UDel will close at 5PM.
Saxbys Drexel will close at 6PM.
Saxbys UPenn will close at 6PM.
Saxbys Peddler’s will close at 6PM.
Saxbys Centerville will close at 6PM.
Saxbys Springboro will close at 6PM.
Saxbys Montgomery will close at 6PM.
Saxbys Allen will close at 7PM.
*Since Temple’s campus won’t be open, Saxbys Temple will be closed Friday-Sunday.