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Passing the Latte: John Lucas is Ready to Shine As Student Cafe Executive Officer at Temple Fox

a group of people sitting posing for the camera

John Lucas’ leadership philosophy is simple: Happy, healthy team members can accomplish anything.

He’ll take his team-first mentality to the Saxbys cafe at the Fox School of Business at Temple University where he’ll serve as Student Cafe Executive Officer. It’s hardly his first time at a Saxbys cafe. In fact he’s been working with us for over the past year. But on January 2, we was handed the keys and be tasked with running all aspects of the cafe — from team development to community leadership to financial management.

John is definitely up for the challenge and sat down with us to share his thoughts on the exciting six months to come.


How are you feeling knowing that you start as SCEO so soon?

Equally excited and nervous. But it’s a good kind of nervous.

Did you get any advice from Talya Gerstl, the previous SCEO?

She’s always teaching me to focus on the team. Put them first. Our team is the reason we’re in business and I never forget that.  

What are some things you’re hoping to learn in your role?

I want more knowledge of back-of-the-house operations. I’ve had a lot of experience in the front of the house but now I want learn the numbers and figures and be able to apply them to Saxbys. Profit/loss statements, invoicing, inventory. All of it. Also, I really want to become better at managing my time. I want to be able to help my team members with that as well. I want to make sure everyone is healthy and happy in the cafe.

Team Development

How do you plan to build a culture at your cafe based off your leadership style within six months?

Saxbys teaches servant leadership, which means that I’m not above my team members and I’m here to help in any way. I’ll be right next to them getting my hands dirty — taking out the trash, helping them with a rush, or sliding into the kitchen and making food. Showing them that we’re all on the same level helps build trust with my team members.

How do you plan to manage people your own age?

If I show them I can care for them, that will create a lot of trust with my team members — and they’ll be honest and up front with me.

What are your thoughts on the team you’re inheriting?

They’re rockstars. If you can work there you can handle any hospitality front-of-the-house job. We turn over something like 200 checks per hour. They’re so focused. From the start of their shift until they end of their shift, they don’t stop moving — whether they’re making drinks, making food, cleaning or prepping. They’re a really impressive group of individuals.

Community Leadership

How do you plan on interacting with the Temple community?

I’m no stranger to the administration, the professors and fellow classmates in that building. I’ve been with them for four years now. Everyday we provide for them, they appreciate it — so we feed off each other. I look forward to giving back to Temple community. They’ve done so much for me. I’m looking at the next six months as a project rather than an internship. I want to create something great that will leave an impact on the Temple community.

Do you any ideas for charitable initiatives?

This upcoming semester is first time we’ll have a chief marketing officer in the cafe so I’m excited to work with her on some new ideas. I know we frequently partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters and AIDS Fund Philly so if we can do some philanthropic work with them, that would be amazing.

Financial Management

How do you plan to achieve mastery to manage and understand your profit/loss statement (P&L)?

I just had training not too long ago and everyone in HQ was really helpful. Past CEOs have reached out to me asking me offering help with P&L and sales reports. I’m a hands-on learner so I plan to dive right in, but I have such a large network to rely on and I feel comfortable reaching out if I need anything.

How do you plan to keep your cafe accountable to the day-to-day responsibilities in order to manage your costs?

Everything ties back to team development. It’s just training and reinforcing the basics. If I can get them to understand food costs, waste, being mindful of ‘first-in-first-out’ philosophy with inventory — things will go really well. I like to think my team respects accountability. I will definitely hold them accountable for these things — and be hard on myself too.

How do you plan to step outside of the day-to-day management of your cafe to strategically plan for your P&L?

I want be at cafe as much as possible but I know when we’ll have down time. I know when we’ll have busy times. I know when I’ll have a chance to step in the back or grab a bite to eat and get some P&L work done. I’m pretty confident I can find time to do that while also maintaining a strong presence in the cafe.

Final Thoughts

What are your career aspirations?

I’d love to do destination marketing where I help attract tourism to a major city. It’s the same sort of work that Visit Philly does in marketing Philadelphia to people in the tri-state area and around the country. I’d work in any major city. I’m young and would definitely want to travel around. I don’t have a problem with that.

a man and a woman sitting on a couch posing for a photo